Upcoming Changes!


Following the release of my Demo I've gotten some pretty good feedback. A couple critiques were about complexity and the control scheme.

I'm going to add some pop-up tutorials near the start so it's easier to get used to the controls. 

Something that came up a lot was that the battle system was overwhelming! Whoops!
Each character had 3 different types of skills and items, and each skill type was named differently with different icons. Making it confusing :( 

The next version will simplify attacks into two types for each character.
Melee - All Physical Skills
Special - All Ranged/Magic/support Skills

Navigating selecting skills is being made simpler. By moving the green glow to select the option!

There's some other improvements and polishing that I'm going to make regarding the game balance and the battle zone mechanics! 

Any feedback positive or negative is helpful. The only way I realised how complex the battle systems are, was for someone else to point it out! 

Thanks for Reading!


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